619-669-8483 tjkammer@yahoo.com

Todd Kammer

My passion for design started at a young age. I found my older brothers Playboy magazines, the articles and design were amazing to see as a seven year old. Which inspired me to start a magazine “Sports News” in grade school. Since then, I have grown to have the creative background and the technical knowledge needed for print marketing, web design and video production. I have a great understanding of the complete process required to deliver highly successful projects from start to finish. Enjoy a portfolio of my most recent projects!




Birdeye Productions is a full service real estate property advertising firm. They specialize in the use of drones to capture beautiful arial video and photography footage of the property for sale, and deliver a final presentation to help show your home and property to potential buyers.

Scripps Health has entered into a joint venture with Acadia Healthcare to significantly expand its ability to provide quality behavioral health services to patients, and are proposing to develop and jointly operate a new 120 bed behavioral health hospital in the Eastlake community of Chula Vista, CA. This is a video I produced for them to promote the project.


Madaffer Enterprises is a full-service public affairs firm that offers strategic planning and consulting services for clients in California and beyond. The firm stands out for its ability to implement comprehensive, creative outreach strategies while facilitating partnerships with key decisionmakers to produce winning outcomes for clients.
Visit Madaffer.com

Connected Communities Collaborative is an organization that runs CityLaunch, an annual conference in San Diego, which offers over a dozen sessions which feature leading experts in topics like big data, small cell technology, clean tech, shared mobility, broadband, and more. Panels are geared toward all aspects of envisioning and implementing smart city principles and best practices.
Visit ConnectedCC.org

Wireless Infrastructure Now was formed to support efforts to increase our wireless capacity to ensure residents, professionals, businesses and governments remain connected no matter where they are. The coalition educates and advocates at the local level for robust, resilient wireless infrastructure that meets the growing needs of our communities.
Visit WirelessInfrastructureNow.org

Sunroad Enterprises began with a vision to develop and cultivate endeavors from inception to conclusion. With an ability to identify, purchase, and effectively grow selected enterprises empowering work environment, community involvement, and exceptional results, they have earned numerous quality commendations from local, regional, and national organizations.






I am a professional digital artist with several years of experience. I have a broad range of skills which enables me to handle any design project thrown my way. I have worked on a wide variety of projects, including branding, packaging, video production, websites and print design. I am also very good at ping pong, surfing, skiing, bowling… actually, probably not. But, I always have a great time trying.